Artificial Insemination
Artificial Insemination
Vaginal insemination
Using a pipette, semen is deposited in cranial vagina next to the cervix, where it would go during a natural breeding. This can be done with fresh or fresh chilled semen.
Transcervical insemination
This insemination places semen into the uterine body through the cervix using a video scope. Pet must be well-mannered and able to stand still for procedure. This can be done with fresh, fresh chilled, or frozen semen.
Surgical Implant
This insemination is the most invasive. The pet is fully anesthetized and an insicion is made on the abdomen to visualize the uterus. The semen is then deposited into uterine horns. The recovery for this procedure is similar to recovery from a spay procedure. This can be done with fresh, fresh chilled, or frozen semen.
Your doctor will discuss your breeding plan and breeding type at your initial appointment. Factors influencing breeding method include your pet’s history, point in her estrus cycle, and type of semen you are using.