Orthopedic Surgery
Orthopedic surgery may improve your pet’s quality of life significantly.
Pet Orthopedic Surgery
Wilson Veterinary Hospital has the trained staff and advanced surgical equipment to help perform the following Orthopedic surgical techniques. Over 700 orthopedic surgeries are performed yearly at WVH with great outcomes.
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament Repair (TPLO, TTA, CBLO, LST)
- Medial Patellar Luxation Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy (FHO) for hip dysplasia
- Major fracture repairs (plates and screws, pins, external fixators)
- Mandibular and skull fractures
- Limb and Tail amputation Bone biopsy
- Carpal and tarsal arthrodesis
- Ligament and tendon repairs (Achilles, Deep
- Digital extensor tendon, shoulder tendon repairs)
- Joint dislocations, reduction, and surgical repair
- Arthroscopic surgery for Elbow Dysplasia, Shoulder OCD repair, and Meniscal injuries
- Non-surgical and medical management of appropriate orthopedic conditions
- Chronic arthritis treatment options (conservative medical management, Stem Cells,
- Platelet Rich Plasma, Synovetin OA).